The timetable
Monday Evening yoga
7:30pm at The Priory Room, The Causeway, Walsham-le-Willows, Bury St Edmunds IP31 3AB
Cost per session: £9.50 PAYG or £8.50 for the next block of classes in advance.
Everyone is welcome to join our weekly community yoga. Lindsey is a trauma informed teacher. Sessions are based in gentle Hatha Yoga with lots of comfort and ease. Lindsey is inspired by various other types of movement such as somatic, qigong, mindful movement and scaravelli forms.
Come to treat yourself, relax, rest and explore.
Cultivate some joy and reconnect to your embodiment.
Adult 1:1 sessions
If you are unsure if a group setting is right for you then why not try a 1:1 session or small friends group.
Appointments upon availability. Email to enquire about your plans and see if this is a good fit for you.
Priced on application.
Children's Sessions
With much enjoyment, Lindsey offers yoga (with a touch of yogic philosophy, science, and nature) classes for children at schools for 6-12 year olds. If your local school is looking to add to their physical education curriculum, please get in touch.
Lindsey typically runs a 4-5 week block so that children can have time to digest the lessons as well as feeling that they can depend on a weekly yoga routine. It’s always sad to complete the block but my aim is to provide students with memorable tools that last a lifetime.
Priced on application.
Yoga Sessions will be
Accessible and Trauma informed
Classes are for all abilities. There is a health form to fill in prior to your first class. Props and variations will be offered make your practice comfortable and safe.
Moving our bodies with intention can open up new pathways within our mind-body. Through movement we can explore what our own bodies need and how to respond to this with kindness and attentive curiosity.
Offering an open space for shared-inquiry means that this is your practice, and you are welcome to explore that with the group. Questions and opinions are welcome. The aim is to bring a bit of joy to our lives and connect with our community along the way.
“My goal is bring on the JOY!” - Lindsey
Lindsey came from years of competitive sport as well as self-practice in yoga and meditation before becoming a certified yoga teacher. Now, as a mother of two, Lindsey seeks daily calm and a slow, considered pace of practice. She is interested in regulating the nervous system while gently building strength to ease daily mobility.
Lindsey combines a mix of styles that are grounded in Hatha Vinyasa Krama (Intelligent steps towards a ‘goal’). She is inspired by Scaravelli, Somatic, Qigong and traditional forms which are blended in a therapeutic way. Lindsey’s passion is to empower others towards their own embodiment and sense of liberation. She does this with a considered approach to anatomy and modern science using shared-inquiry.
Classes will be accessible to everyone (except pregnant practitioners). Variations will be offered as well as prop options for comfort and ease.
With an ongoing thirst for knowledge, Lindsey is also currently enrolled in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield with plans to graduate in 2027. She takes regular classes with her trusted teachers alongside workshops or retreats each year. Lindsey is a trauma informed teacher.